Have I ever told you how much a home means to me?
Not a house, but a home.
One day, in the future we plan to move to expand our family.
When we move, I'm sure we will shed many a tear leaving this home and all its memories.
One day we will move to be closer to our parents (so they can perhaps cuddle up with their granddog and future granchildren while we are out on a date?!)
And here are some photos of bedrooms that I have found and love!!! I thought it would be fun to share with you!
It has my traditional taste, with colors of hubbys' liking (granted, hubby really doesn't care all that much, but he prefers the blues and yellows and states, "No flowers!" I can do that!
Bedroom # 1
Oh, if we were only to have this gorgeous window! I LOVE lots of light in the house! It just makes me feel better instantly!
And the spode plates on the wall...LOVE! I already asked for them for Christmas!
And all of the ginger jars!
And the bench at the end of the bed (I'm sure there is a more sophisticated name for it).
And the rug!
Actually, I just LOVE everything about it!
Bedroom # 2
A fireplace in the bedroom!!! How romantic!
Again, I love this room because its very bright. I love the bench at the end of the bed, the dark wood furniture, and the two little chairs with matching ottoman! I think I might have to steal the painting over the fireplace! It reminds me of a painting I saw when we were in Nantucket. It was the most beautiful painting I have ever seen. It was of a little Cap Cod yellow house with beautiful flowers. Absolutely gorgeous. I kick myself everyday for not purchasing it and shipping it home, as it would have gone beautifully with the colors we are loving. Oh, if only I could think of the store name and call them up!

Semi-bedroom # 3
O.K., I'm well aware this is NOT a bedroom. However, these are the colors we love and it's inspiration for us in many ways. I love the blue walls with accents of yellow in the room. And the light coming in through the window! I love the chair which has been recovered in a beautiful fabric. (Mom - close your eyes/cover your ears. I plan to "borrow" my moms beautiful chairs from her living room and recover them to match our decor in our house! *Mental Note: MUST get Mom and Dad to downsize and move soon!* OK, you can open/uncover now, Mom)
I also love this rug.
This room is a little too busy for me, but you get the point.
I can just see it now, you all will see me in Calico Corners with my mom and MIL picking out fabric with my laptop on the counter, trying to describe what I want from my blog!
* Newlywed Note: But for now, we have our dream home. Our Home Sweet Home
because home to me, is where my hubby will be.
"A house is built of boards and beams, but a home is built with love and dreams."