My VERY first blog award!!!

I'm still new at this blogging thing, so I am trying to figure out all the "rules!" But I know this much...
For this award I must 1. Thank the person who gave me the award, 2. Share 10 things about myself, and 3. Pass this award on to 10 bloggers who I recently discovered are fantastic and contact them to let them know I picked them for the reward!
So, about me...
1. I have the worlds greatest friends! I have 5 best friends from childhood through high school who I do everything with and couldn't imagine a day without each and everyone of them. Furthermore, in college I met a very best friend who lives 12 hours away, however, I know I can call her and it seems like she's sitting right next to me! AND I have two loving and adoring sisters. (OK, one is a SIL, but I consider her a blood relative, as sometimes I like hanging out with her more than her brother! (JK!))
Health is so very important to me and I try to keep up with all my physicals, dental appointments, skin cancer screens, and eating well. However, it pains me to workout...but I still make every effort to do a little something! Preventative health is where I love to spend time and educate others and I like to think I "practice what I preach," or at least try.
3. I think I have the world's bests job(s). For years I was an oncology nurse and many people think that is a very depressing job. I, however, think it made me a better person. Those patients gave me more than I could ever give them in return. They make you realize not to worry about life's little problems, and focus on what is truly important to you. Now, as a nurse practitioner for the elderly, I again think I am blessed with the best job. These patients also make you realize what is important in life and have taught me how to enjoy each and every day I have on this earth. I cherish each and everyone of my patients, some for more reasons than others. Some make me laugh, some make me cry, and some encourage me in ways they would never know. (And of course there are a few that make me want to pull my hair out on occassion)
Here is a painting from one of my leukemic patients' son who would paint each nurse and tech while they took care of his dad. (I think I was getting an IV bag ready or something) We all cherished our paintings and I can't wait to hang it in my office one day (when we move and I actually have an office!). I have saved every single card that each patient has given me and jotted down notes on all the wonderful people I have met in my career.
I have a huge sweet tooth, or more like, sweet FANG! Hence, how this blog got started! I love cookies, cakes, brownies, candy, ice cream, really,
anything sweet! It's a miracle I have never had a cavity! But when I bake, I must get the goodies out of the house fast, as I will eat them all until I feel sick to my stomach!
5. I also love to entertain, the other reason I started this blog. When I look at houses online, I look for big kitchens (since for some reason no matter what I do everyone congregates in the kitchen!), and a big deck for outdoor cookouts (and possibly a pool, please B!). I could entertain every week if I just had more time, money, and space. I LOVE it and love coming up with new recipes and ideas for the house to welcome guests.
6. Although I love to entertain, I do not love a messy house, and always clean up right after guests leave. I love organization. My closet is color and season coordinated, my daily planner is color coordinated, and everything has "its spot," which annoys my husband to death! But when he can't find something, guess who can?!
7. I LOVE my TENNESSEE VOLS and INDIANAPOLIS COLTS! Yes, I'm from Baltimore, but I love the Colts! Who couldn't when they have a quarterback like Peyton Manning! I miss all my friends from Tennessee, but hope to go back to a game this fall! Even hubby loves going and is impressed with the stadium and feel for Tennessee football. It's unlike anything else! Even hubby, a Clemson Tiger alumni, truly loves all the fun!
I love holidays, especially Christmas and my birthday...yes, I consider my birthday a national holiday (I got this trait from my father who reminds us his birthday "is coming up" six months ahead of time). I think it's a fun project to find the perfect decoration for the front door for each holiday and season and decorate the house. I love Christmas so much, I'm usually done my shopping by October, however, I love getting into the Christmas spirit so much, I still go to the mall almost everyday during the holiday season, even if it is just to walk around and take it all in with a nice warm coffee in hand!
9. Although I love Christmas and my birthday (both during the same time of year), I do not like winter! I could do without it for 363 days of the year! I love to travel, especially to warm, sunny, sandy places!
10. I consider myself truly blessed. I have a wonderful family (full of crazy nuts, that will make you laugh for hours at a time), beautiful friends, an energetic puppy who showers me with lots of licks, and a loving hubby who I couldn't imagine a day without.
And the winners are...
Have fun!